Greetings my fellow Magickal Brothers and Sister's!
I have been really feeling the magick of Spring lately and all kinds of projects and newness is taking sprout in my life. It is such an inspiring time for me and I just love being in the flow of the seasons! Have you been feeling this too? I think that no matter where you live or what the climate is like (even if it is still a bit cold) just seeing the buds coming up from the grounds and the trees with their new leaves is an amazing time. It is a time of hope and new life and it is EVERYWHERE!
As a result if this energy I have been inspired to do a lot of planting, gardening, tincture making, flower essence making and more. I have been connecting with nature and my nature and bringing both into harmony, I HIGHLY recommend it! It is pure magick and very sacred. If you have been busy in the garden of you home, when you are doing your seed planting why not plant an intention with each seed. Let that seed grow in your garden and the garden of your heart and mind. Truly nature mirrors the cycle of growth that takes place in our desire to create something and when we consciously create, Magick happens.
Truly you are creating magick all the time, you may not be aware of it or you may not even like it, but you are creating it. Would you like to get more conscious of it?
If you are reading this blog then you are probably working with or interested in the magickal arts. I am sure that you have questioned why magick sometimes doesn't work or why it takes so long or why it comes back to you in a skewed way. Well, the long answer is that you have much in your subconscious that gets in the way. Here is an example; Lets say Sarah grew up in a religious environment that was pretty emphatic that any kind of working with the elements in a magickal way was the Devil's work and that nothing good would result from it. Even though Sarah thinks that because she is working with Spirituality in her way now and that she is free from these constraints, she probably isn't. You see her subconscious (as a mechanism of fear and really survival) is repeating the message that magick is evil. Let's say that Sarah now decides to rummage around in her subconscious and listen to those self defeating thoughts and bring them to the light. This would be immensely helpful wouldn't you say?
But...... What if there is a short cut?
What if you decide that from now on your intentions whether you practice the magickal arts or not are based on the here and now? And because they arte based on the here and now and there is no prior knowledge impeding on your creation, they just work. Do you get me? If I decide in this moment that the universe always delivers because it just does and that any of that old baloney that my mind wants to dish up is just baloney. That this baloney is based on some old outworn boring story that someone else planted in the garden of my mind then I can create a new belief just as easily. This new belief is that when I want something (one caveat here, IT HAS TO BE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL and yes you CAN want and ask for personal things. Just make sure that they are not out of greed or a desire to acquire stuff, sometimes this can indicate a need for some healing work. Touch base with me if you are struggling with this) I just ask for it and it is so. The message is this my magickal peeps, YOU are the magick and the Universe responds to YOU and your requests IMMEDIATELY! Why wouldn't it? Start from here and now and when the annoying doubting Thomas in your head adds his/her two cents in tell it to shut up! Go and create something good in your life, you can create whatever your heart desires right here and right now.
Understand that when you have put your intention out there that you must now be grateful and trust that God and the universe have it and have your back. Your wishes have been answered and that they will come to you in the PERFECT timing. This is crucial, otherwise Thomas, the doubter will start to pipe up again. When Thomas rears his head always come back to I believe in perfect timing.
If you are interested in learning more about the magickal arts, please contact me as I am a teacher and Guide in an ancient tradition that teaches others how to truly harness their magickal abilities to be co-creators in their lives.
Monday, April 29, 2013
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