Greetings my fellow Magickal Brothers and Sister's!
I have been really feeling the magick of Spring lately and all kinds of projects and newness is taking sprout in my life. It is such an inspiring time for me and I just love being in the flow of the seasons! Have you been feeling this too? I think that no matter where you live or what the climate is like (even if it is still a bit cold) just seeing the buds coming up from the grounds and the trees with their new leaves is an amazing time. It is a time of hope and new life and it is EVERYWHERE!
As a result if this energy I have been inspired to do a lot of planting, gardening, tincture making, flower essence making and more. I have been connecting with nature and my nature and bringing both into harmony, I HIGHLY recommend it! It is pure magick and very sacred. If you have been busy in the garden of you home, when you are doing your seed planting why not plant an intention with each seed. Let that seed grow in your garden and the garden of your heart and mind. Truly nature mirrors the cycle of growth that takes place in our desire to create something and when we consciously create, Magick happens.
Truly you are creating magick all the time, you may not be aware of it or you may not even like it, but you are creating it. Would you like to get more conscious of it?
If you are reading this blog then you are probably working with or interested in the magickal arts. I am sure that you have questioned why magick sometimes doesn't work or why it takes so long or why it comes back to you in a skewed way. Well, the long answer is that you have much in your subconscious that gets in the way. Here is an example; Lets say Sarah grew up in a religious environment that was pretty emphatic that any kind of working with the elements in a magickal way was the Devil's work and that nothing good would result from it. Even though Sarah thinks that because she is working with Spirituality in her way now and that she is free from these constraints, she probably isn't. You see her subconscious (as a mechanism of fear and really survival) is repeating the message that magick is evil. Let's say that Sarah now decides to rummage around in her subconscious and listen to those self defeating thoughts and bring them to the light. This would be immensely helpful wouldn't you say?
But...... What if there is a short cut?
What if you decide that from now on your intentions whether you practice the magickal arts or not are based on the here and now? And because they arte based on the here and now and there is no prior knowledge impeding on your creation, they just work. Do you get me? If I decide in this moment that the universe always delivers because it just does and that any of that old baloney that my mind wants to dish up is just baloney. That this baloney is based on some old outworn boring story that someone else planted in the garden of my mind then I can create a new belief just as easily. This new belief is that when I want something (one caveat here, IT HAS TO BE FOR THE GOOD OF ALL and yes you CAN want and ask for personal things. Just make sure that they are not out of greed or a desire to acquire stuff, sometimes this can indicate a need for some healing work. Touch base with me if you are struggling with this) I just ask for it and it is so. The message is this my magickal peeps, YOU are the magick and the Universe responds to YOU and your requests IMMEDIATELY! Why wouldn't it? Start from here and now and when the annoying doubting Thomas in your head adds his/her two cents in tell it to shut up! Go and create something good in your life, you can create whatever your heart desires right here and right now.
Understand that when you have put your intention out there that you must now be grateful and trust that God and the universe have it and have your back. Your wishes have been answered and that they will come to you in the PERFECT timing. This is crucial, otherwise Thomas, the doubter will start to pipe up again. When Thomas rears his head always come back to I believe in perfect timing.
If you are interested in learning more about the magickal arts, please contact me as I am a teacher and Guide in an ancient tradition that teaches others how to truly harness their magickal abilities to be co-creators in their lives.
Mystics Journey Blog
Monday, April 29, 2013
Do you believe in magick?
Do you believe in magick?
Do you believe in magick, are you curious? Have you heard that you create your own reality but want to know more, or maybe you have doubts? Read on you may have a change of heart!
Do you believe in magick, are you curious? Have you heard that you create your own reality but want to know more, or maybe you have doubts? Read on you may have a change of heart!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
What are you really saying....?
What are you really saying....?
Excuse me...what did you say? Did you say what I 'think' you did?
I am an observer of pretty much everything, not much goes by me and as an Energy Healer and Spiritual Teacher it is a part of my job to be aware. Consequently I quietly tune in and listen, feel, see, smell, taste and touch my way through life reading the energies present and being aware of my own as I come into the mix of co-creating with others.
Recently I was at a friends' house and we were talking about a recent house guest of hers that had stayed for a ten day period. This friend of mine has three dogs whom she dearly loves, they are like her children. Like all dogs they bark when visitors arrive or other dogs walk past the front window. This house guest would say "Stifle." to the dogs. This offended my friend very much. I was interested because I did not see anything rude with the word 'stifle.'
I am from the UK and to me this word means cease or tone it down, but here in the US it has a different connotation. She explained to me that there was a show with with a character called Archie Bunker who used to say this to his Wife in a derogatory manner. Therefore she associated her friends words with this memory and the energy within which Archie Bunker spoke to his Wife. Being very protective of her dogs she found this to be very rude indeed!
Now, I don't know what her friends' intention was because I was not there AND I am not a mind reader and neither is my girlfriend. I got to thinking about the differences that we have culturally and geographically with words and speech. How many times have do we make an assumption about what another is saying or not saying based on our own beliefs and experiences, in this case watching a show. The answer is ALL THE TIME! Most of the time we are not listening to one another and we are assuming we know and reacting to the conversation. This creates (as I am sure you are getting) all kinds of messes and hurt feelings etc.
I often refer back to the age old statement that 'Silence is Golden.' it really is, very often I say nothing until I have sought counsel from my Spiritual Guides. The results 'speak' for themselves, I have less opinions and judgments and that just feels really good. I also know when to 'speak up' and feel totally confident in doing so because I work through things before I voice them. Therefore I say what I mean and mean what I say, I am able to be authentic with others. The power of the Word has been expressed for 1000's of years in ancient writings and Spiritual teachings from the bible and Genesis to the ancient mantra's of Sanskrit and the Hebrew of the Qabbalah. The Power of the Word is creation itself! Take a moment to consider this, maybe spend a day in silence and see what you can really hear. I recently spend the last three months on a Spiritual journey and on that journey I had to quit listening to music, TV and reading. It is amazing what you can hear in the silence, in particular the things you say to yourself! Words are power, how you express them have the power to dis-empower or empower, this goes for whether you verbalize them or the ones you listen to in your mind.
One of the books I recommend to my Clients is a book called the Four Agreements by Toltec Teacher Don, Miguel Ruiz. In this book he teaches about impeccability of the Word among other great things. It is definitely worth the read! You can order this book on my website if you would like. It is the kind of book that you can return to again and again and remind yourself of these four simple truths of living a Lighter life.
I hope that I have given you some food for thought in this writing. Oftentimes we are still attached to a story in our lives and we can't let it go, this results in negative words inner and outer. As a Healer I recommend a cord cutting and perhaps some etheric surgery to help you remove the thought forms that are so very bothersome. Our tendency is to keep running the same old story over and over in our heads, this is one of the effect of words! If you would like some help with this please contact me at or 239-272-5168.
My final word is.....Namaste
Friday, February 22, 2013
Rose Quartz Heart Healing
Since I began my metaphysical journey quite some time ago I have had a love affair with crystals, these little and large beauties have captured my heart and been front and forefront in much of my own personal healing. Crystals hold the qualities and knowledge of Father Sky and Mother Earth since they come from above to below and individually they hold specific vibrations. Whatever we wish to learn or rediscover about ourselves there is a crystal to help us, they are a part of Mother Gaia's gifts to us to help us awaken our consciousness. They are far from just pretty colored rocks and for many this is hard to believe! However once you have meditated with one or two and let it help you to unlock your own healing you will have a changed viewpoint. Crystals can be used in many ways from crystal dreaming, crystal readings, crystal healing's, making gem elixirs and crystal gridding your home or office for protection, healing and bringing in higher vibrations. I personally have used crystals in all of these ways, I have many crystals now and I hope that you will feel inspired to pick up a few yourself and work with them.
One of the crystals I have worked with many times and indeed of late is Rose Quartz, I recently used it and shared the healing I am about to share with you on my You Tube video, The Goddess Diaries where I worked with the Goddess, Benten.
The crystal rose quartz has long been recognized as the quintessential stone for heart healing and heart opening. It's vibration carries the qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness, softening and gentleness. In addition to all these nurturing type qualities it is also considered to hold strength and when you think about those mother like qualities it is easy to see how indeed rose quartz is considered to be hold the property of strength too. Perhaps you have some pain in your heart from childhood days or a broken heart that is taking it's time to heal, whatever you need for your Heart, rose quartz will deliver as you need it. It's gentle, yet strong vibrations will pulsate through you helping you for your highest good, never over amping or taking you where you are not ready to go.
Are you ready? All healing begins in the heart and ends with forgiveness!
- Find a quiet, comfortable place where you will not be disturbed, play some soft instrumental music (no words), a good Deuter CD such as Garden of the God's is a great one. Light some incense ( I like Nag Champa) and say a little prayer to your angels and anyone you feel particularly connected too for your healing to come and help you.
- At this point connect to your crystal, hold it in your hands and blow upon it, then ask it to help you heal what needs to be healed in a gentle, loving and permanent way.
- At your head and at your feet place a pink candle, I have used plain pink candles and special healing candles, the healing candles tend to have the aromatherapy and intention built in, some good ones to try are the Crystal Journey candles, the Love one is perfect for this.
- Place your candle on your heart chakra, the center of your chest, not your physical heart, this will receive too. Relax and focus on your breath, breathing deeply into the depths of your being and release the full breath slowly, letting everything go.... Do this as many times as you need until your feel yourself relax.
- Take your awareness to your heart AND your heart chakra, spend a few moments here, connecting to the awareness of your heart. Ask the question "What is needed?" Then listen....
- When you are ready begin to visualize a golden light diffused with pink coming down from above and entering into your crown chakra, which is at the top of your head. This golden pink energy fills your heart and and your heart chakra, sweeping away all shadows and pain. See this energy filling your entire being and body. relax into the feelings of healing and comfort. Stay here as long as you need.
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Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Journey of the Fool
Hi There,
Apologies, but it has been awhile since I have blogged and this is in part because I wanted to take a moment and look at and reevaluate what I am creating in life. You see in the beginning of the Summer my world and what I was doing changed significantly and it has taken me until now to unravel all of the pieces and get clear of what needs to go and what needs to be recreated and what can stay! One of things that I got really clear on is how attached I was to how things were and that in my attempt to resist change (unconsciously, I might add) I was trying to reinvent the wheel in the same way!
This blog is about attachments and how they hold us back from truly moving forward. So to give you an example of what I am talking about I used to walk pretty much every day before I moved to my new neighborhood. When I moved back in May the scenery changed and life became very busy, what with the move and change of business etc. I stopped walking, my excuse was that I did not have the right environment to walk in ( I moved from a gated community with preserve) to a neighborhood, a 15 minute walk from the beach.... But I had forgotten about my daily walks and the joy they brought to me because of the change of scenery.
I had begun feel caged in lately and Spirit kept telling me go outside, finally I listened! I walked to the park, a good half hour away and found a place that is private that I could sit and commune with nature. Yes, it is different, however it totally fills my cup and I love it. I couldn't believe that I was keeping myself from this and I asked Spirit why....
This is what she said.... Humans are creatures of habit and we get used to a certain way of living and doing and when this is disrupted we try to hang on to what was. This is due mainly to fear of the unknown. If something is unlike what was, we are thrown and try to recreate the same. This is called being attached to the past. For many it is easier to stay in a chaotic situation than it is to make a change. I personally know someone who is very dear to me who is in this type of situation and it is far more damaging than not taking a walk (although for me it turns out that going outside and being with nature is as necessary as breathing) for her she is very sad and very stuck. She has decided that this is her life and yet her soul is practically yelling at her to make changes. I hope and pray that she does. The point is this, I was trying to recreate the same in many areas of my life because I had gotten used to the way things were, even though I wasn't happy.
Now I stand at the threshold of a new journey, much like the Fool who asks the question Who Am I and Where am I going. The honest answer is I do not know, but what I do know is that I am never alone and I do not wish to go back, only forward. My hope and prayers for you is that you will see the benefit of letting go of what no longer serves you and move into the unknown with self belief and confidence. Spirit is always holding your hand.
Samantha Banks
Energy medicine,
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
What is a Shaman? Can energy medicine help me?
Lately I have been pondering how I can explain to people what I do in a way that makes sense and value to those who are reading/listening. There is a lot of concepts out there about Spiritual work and Shamanism that just aren't correct AND what's more it actually hinders people from there own healing.These images that are out there prevent people from exploring further whether or not a Shaman or Spiritual Guide can assist them on the path of Life. In this blog I hope to dispel some myths and explain how I can serve you.
Spiritual work is NOT black magick or evil, it is the direct opposite! Yes,there are people who are severely misguided and practice this type of thing, to their own detriment. I work directly with the Hierarchy of Light, who are beings of Light, such as Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Elementals and God, the Hierarchy of Light can be considered service agents of the Light/God,they direct energy for us and creation. They guide us (for they have way more wisdom than we humans do) and assist in the great plan of creation. The Great Plan is the one that God has for us all and it is an eternal plan and you are an eternal being, you are here to learn about the Light and transcend your own limitations.
Spiritual energy work, readings, classes will not solve your problems, if you are looking to hand over everything to someone else (ie: me or any other spiritual advisor) then you are looking for a Guru, this is disempowering for you. Don't do this, I have heard horror stories of people who have gone to palm readers locally and had ALOT of money taken off of them and other stories, this adds to the above notion that spiritual work is dark. YOU will solve your problems, they are your lessons to learn from, think 'Gift' for your progression and if you have reached a place in your life where you are fed up with 'your problems, relationships, lost your purpose etc' then I can help you to help yourself, this is true empowerment. I use ancient Shamanic tools and teachings that will awaken you in Body, Soul and Spirit by shining the light and clearing obstructions to the light that you cannot get too. If you commit to finding the Light within you then Heaven and the Universe will assist you on your path.
A Shaman is not necessarily a native or indigenous person who works with Earth elements, there are Shamans who work this way within a lineage, these Shamans are deeply connected to the land of there origin and use Earth based tools. All Shamans MUST have a lineage and a lineage is what makes their work authentic,well that and there desire to serve the Light. A lineage is a known, traceable path of those who have served as keepers of knowledge and passed that knowledge on to others so that they too may assist in the Great Work. There are many who'claim' to be shamans and reading something from a book or creating energy work from scratch or as an add on to stuff they have learnt does NOT constitute Shamanic work, stay away from this as it will likely have little to no effect and may even cause harm, I have seen this too. I am a Shaman and Guide and I have two lineages that I am empowered to work with and through, I have been taught in the old way of doing things that work in our modern world, they are unchanged and they work, 3000 years of lineage proves that this is so. Please remember that modern medicine and psychology have only been around for a relatively short period of time and I think we can agree that we have more medical, psychological and emotional problems here on earth than ever before.Perhaps if this is your experience right now it is time to try a different approach? I work with Earth based healing's and I also work with a variety of other healing's that are connected to Angels, Egyptian magick, Kabbala, Galctic,Esoteric and more, I have many tools and each of them serve different functions,when we meet we can talk about what your goals are. I have been training in my field consistently for seven years and I continue to do so, so as long as some Doctor's! I am a Mother of two, a 3rd grader and a Freshman (Yikes!!) and I have been with my Husband for 21 years, we also run a commercial cleaning business. I am perfectly normal (whatever that is LOL) and I found my purpose through this work and it my passion to help you find yours!
How do I know if this type of work can help me? Easy, is what you are currently doing helping you or are you stuck? If you are stuck and don't know how to move forward then I maybe the one for you. I might not be, but I do know others who work within this area from Life Coaches to Addiction specialist's who bring a Spiritual approach AND lineage to their work, I am happy to refer if needed.But why don't we talk first and see what you feel you need.
How do you choose a Shaman/Spiritual Advisor? This is really simple, explore first, make the phone call and ask the questions. I have no judgment, nothing you could tell me would offend me. It is important to ask questions, this is how you get answers! This is true for whomever you are thinking about working with and the practitioner should answer you without agenda and in accordance to what you want and need. Ultimately you must trust your heart and soul to guide you to the right person, divine providence, some call it and if you feel listened too and receive a compassionate response to your questions then this.Shaman may be for you. You should NOT feel pressured to take a class or to receive a healing and your decisions should be based on what is balanced for you.
I hope that this goes some way to helping you make your choices, if I may serve you in any way then please call me at 239-272-5168 for a FREE 30 minute consultation.
Blessings on your journey,
My website offers much more info on who are what I do, please take a look, perhaps I can serve you?
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